Sell insurance products in less time, with less effort
iSafe is the e-business income protection insurance application engine for the next generation within the Life and Assurance industry, a multidimensional service with a tight delivery channel, supported by a back office system. With iSafe, you get the Life and Assurance products online within the delivery time and a secured income protection insurance system.
iSafe is a four-dimensional cube, where each dimension represents a particular service or delivery channel to a specific set or targeted customer group. iSafe allows you to quickly launch new campaigns for marketing, open new channels for consumers, partners and affinity groups. These features are specifically designed to exploit productivity at minimal expense and effort. With the ITSec experienced team you get peace of mind. ITSec ensures* Return on Investment (ROI) within 6 months of the product, on condition that it is competitive enough. iSafe works closely with ITSec Enquiry Management System (EMS) helping in generating quality leads.

iSafe Key Features:
- Integrates with your existing website, existing quote system or with xQuote
- B2B and B2C delivery channel, (i.e. Consumers & IFAs)
- Sales and Marketing Channel
- Customer Services Channel
- Administrational Control Centre

iSafe Key Components:
- Interactive web front module
- Sales force module (iFact)
- Administration & Compliance module (back office)
- Relational database module

Comprehensive Security:
- SSL encryption on all input forms
- Role-based security
- Encryption of critical data at row and column levels
- Strong passwords
- Triggers upon changing monitored fields
- Automated notifications, i.e.
Upon registration of a new user
Upon selling a new product
Upon changing details
Upon receiving enquires and service requests
Upon expiry of a quotation

Speedy Return on Investment (ROI)
- Every 6 months*, the system pays for itself as per the cost-benefit analysis – one investment, various benefits
- Permanent, around-the-clock sales channel open
- Increased customer confidence with positive company image by cutting edge and secure technology
- Attract huge young audience preferring to make online purchases
- Attract business from overseas, members of the armed forces or expatriates living abroad
- 24-hour customer service channel giving automated responses

iSafe Technology:
- Secure your tomorrow with a proven investment of today at iSafe, purely built on the latest technologies of Microsoft .NET framework
- With iSafe you don’t other capital investment needs when you gain a zero foot print installation which works within a browser
- Exclusive online application system for health insurance
- Central administration makes it easy for support and upgrades
- Efficient running over remote sites even on slow communication links (back office module)
- Provides highest level of security without compromising on user-friendliness
- Get limitless storage and processing powers as the backend database runs on Oracle and Microsoft SQL servers
- Special features offered to run in a hosted and web farm environment for high availability and load balancing
If you need more information, please contact us on +44 0116 2755 680 or drop us an email to